Today ah ‘ave to explain Jet Propulsion to Muzzerr. She ‘as no idea about such stuff.
On le uzzerr ‘oof, ah ‘ave a great understanding of all zings physical.
‘When you blow yourself up wiz a lot of ‘ot air and zen release eet out your bottom, Muzzerr’, ah explain,
‘You ‘over above le ground, lark zis’…
Ah am surprised Muzzerr ees no good at eet –
she make a lot of noise but zere eez no lift.
‘Le speed at which ah release all zat air dictates ‘ow fast and ‘ow ‘igh ah go.
Zis eez le law of physics be’ind Jet Propulsion’ ah zay to Muzzerr.
Ah fly across le paddock just lark a jet engine.
Zuddenly la forward motion eez ‘eld in check by le brakes – ah forgot to release zem.
and le back end follow too late.
Not everyone eez smart enough to understand physics.
Eet eez very tricky to master.