Today is International Talk Lark le Pirate Day.
Ah ‘ave been looking forward to this day.
Naturally if ah am going to talk like le pirate ah must look lark one too.
Ah put on le pirate costume.
Ah am quite pleased with it.
Ah check in le water trough and ah see ah look even more ‘andsome than usual
L’Uncle is le first mate.
‘e insist on wearing le ‘at only le filly would wear.
Or an Australian.
Ah, on le uzzeur ‘oof, wear le ‘at to put le fear of Dog into anyone ‘oo see me.
Ah even ‘ave le eye patch eh eh eh.
Fear thee not, it is only me.
L’Uncle and ah are now le Pirates of le Cloveurpatch.
Ah am le Capitan Dreadarse Pugwash and L’Uncle is le first mate – Peg Leg Rattleme Bonaparte
L’Uncle and ah practice le pirate talk
‘Arrrrrrrrr would ye lark to fart with me, me ‘earty’ ah say in le big growly pirate voice.
‘Arrrrrrrrrr’ say L’Uncle, followed by a lot of stuff about le barnacles and la parrots.
‘e ‘as stripped off ‘is coat ready to fart to le death.
‘Ah challenge you to le battle of le ‘igh sea ye big bulge rat’ ah say, le big fart will do l’old man some good.
Ah lay down le ‘at, le coat and le eye patch ready to fart for le larf.
Being french, it would not do to dirty le costume.
It is a pity really as ah ‘ave grown quite fond of le ‘at and le coat.
As usual, Muzzeurr is grumping away to ‘erself.
We will make ‘er walk lark le plankton lateur.
Le battle begin.
‘Look loively ye big landlubbing groper’ yell Le First Mate.
Ah am trying to think of le suitable piratey reply.
‘Ahoy me ‘earty’ ah yell, ‘Shiveur me timbres ye big barnacle clad bowl of le sloop’
eh eh eh. Ah am feeling very l’impressed with le command of le pirate language which ah only just learn this week.
‘Look sharp you son of a biscuit eating bilge rat – RRRRRRrrrrrrrrr’ shout L’Uncle.
Ah ‘ave no idea what ‘e mean so ah shout ‘MMMMMmmmmmNNNnnnnnn’ back at ‘im.
Ah know le alphabet when ah ‘ear it.
‘What the hey?’ L’Uncle say.
‘Ohhhhh?’ ah try, ‘Peeeeeee?’
L’Uncle turn to Uzzeurr Muzzeurr.
‘What the hell?’ he ask, ‘What pirate shouts out letters of the bloody alphabet?’